Noa Zanolli Davenport, Ph.D.,
lives in Switzerland and has worked for some 20 years in the U.S. As an educator, cultural anthropologist, and mediator, the focus of her work has been in international development and peacebuilding, in teaching and writing about conflict resolution at the workplace, in schools, and in communities.
She has worked internationally in research and administration, in governmental and nonprofit organizations, in higher education and business. She was a lecturer at the Universities of Zürich and Bern, an Affiliate Assistant Professor at Iowa State University and a member of the faculty of William Penn University, College for Working Adults in Iowa. She held positions as the Director of Education and Research at the Iowa Peace Institute, and in the Swiss Government, Agency for Development and Cooperation, as well as in the International Department of the Swiss Red Cross.
For the past several years her focus has been on conflict resolution in education and the social relevance of expanding mediative skills within societies and across the world. A further focus since 2000 has been training about mobbing/bullying at the workplace and in schools. Over the years, she has responded to hundreds of targets of mobbing requesting advice or referrals, and has conducted numerous trainings/courses about Creating Emotionally Safe and Healthy Workplaces. She has also been retained as an expert witness in several mobbing cases.
She is affiliated with the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy in Washington DC (www.imtd.org). She is a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) and the European Mediation Network Initiative (EMNI). Her personal website is: www.reconfigure.ch

Gail Pursell Elliott,
“The Dignity and Respect Lady”©, is a motivational speaker, author, human relations and training consultant, mobbing, bullying and harassment expert and founder of Innovations “Training With a Can-Do Attitude”TM, located in central Iowa, USA.
First published in 1970, she is a Mensan who is the author of business, motivational, and inspirational articles, poetry, the weekly column “Food for Thought”, and the 2003 book School Mobbing and Emotional Abuse: See It – Stop It – Prevent It with Dignity and Respect. Additional titles include, Be True to You; Food for Thought Anthology; and My Job Is .. Bridging the Gap between the Spiritual and the Bottom Line.
Gail has over 20 years of professional experience in administration, recruitment, training, and motivation. Operating from the basic premise that ‘all people want and have the right to be treated with dignity and respect … no exceptions’©, she travels nationally to conduct staff and supervisory training for both profit and not-for-profit organizations in the areas of Respectful Work Environment, Civility and Ethics, Communication and Building Trust ; Staff Retention, Motivation, Reward and Recognition and Human Relations topics, and a see-it/stop-it/prevent-it approach to emotional abuse in schools and workplaces. She designs sessions upon request to address specific needs and timely issues, and is a featured speaker at conferences as well as a sought after media expert on workplace and school violence. Gail has been a guest on such programs as MSNBC’s Deborah Norville Tonight, ABC World News NOW television programs and the Workplace Violence Today program on talk radio and has been contracted as an expert witness. In addition to her contracted work with businesses, organizations, schools, and her ongoing writing projects, Gail offers personal coaching by phone for targets of workplace mobbing. She is founder and moderator of the online support group “Survive and Thrive” and a co-moderator of the Bully On Line support group, founded by the late Tim Field. Her websites are:

Ruth Distler Schwartz, M.S.,
was a counselor and educator who spent most of her career in management in nonprofit organizations, higher education, and health care. She designed executive and professional development programs including a distinguished scholars program and a social issues series. She was the editor of Know Your Rights: Understanding What You Must Do If You Are Ever a Suspect in a Criminal Case. She was President of R. A. Schwartz & Associates, a national consulting and marketing firm. Ruth was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig’s disease), in 2007. Her gentle spirit passed on January 7, 2009.